New Starters

On behalf of all the team at Dalcour Maclaren, we’d like to say WELCOME. You will no doubt have heard this a lot already but you’ve just become part of our #ONE TEAM. This is way more than jargon or buzz word but rather a sentiment that sits at the very heart of what we’re about and what we work at building every day.

Finding Your Feet

We know that becoming part of that ONE TEAM can take a little bit of time for the ‘newness’ to wear off but our INDUCTION PROGRAMME is designed to help you get your feet under the table as quickly as possible.

Once you’re in, you don’t have to stand on ceremony or wait until you can relax and be yourself, you got the job for a reason and we want you to start as you mean to go on. In other words, make yourself at home. 

What You Need to Know – New Starter FAQs

When do we get paid?

Pay day is the 27th of every month (unless it’s a weekend and then it’s brought forward to the Friday before).

Why does everyone reverse park?

It’s actually a safety thing for when people travel out on sites as it’s easier to drive away (in the very unlikely event) that you need to leave quickly. Do it everyday makes it a habit (that we’ve never had to put to the test) and it helps with our parking at our offices.

What do people do for lunch?
At every DM office there are kitchen facilities that allow you to reheat food and we are very proud of our free ‘bean to cup’ coffee machines for those coffee connoisseurs. There’s also a kettle and ample supply of free milk to make the perfect brew. Although it varies, it is often the case that sandwich vans will visit the larger locations or bring your own and use the fridges provided.
I've done my Onboarding day, what's next?
In terms of your ability to grow your career and develop professionally, you’ve come to the right place. DM is determined to provide you with the tools, resources and support you’ll need to put your current skills to the test and develop new ones along the way. At this stage of your employment with us, all you really need to know is we will provide you with the tools but you’ll be required to use them!
Who are some useful contacts?
  • Bluecube – our IT Support – you can call them on 01869 220355
  • Future Tech – Our In House IT geniuses – email them at [email protected]
  • Payroll – questions on your payslip or anything to do with pay or benefits – [email protected]
  • Anything HR Related contact our brilliant People Team at [email protected]
  • Training – Have a chat with us by emailing [email protected]

You can also find lots of useful info by visiting our Hub site – this will open automatically when you launch Microsoft Edge (Internet Browser).